Dot Power

Dot Power is a day-long immersive teaching program for children from preschool to year 3 whose primary reading medium is braille. Based on the Expanded Core Curriculum, Dot Power is designed to encourage students to get as much braille under their fingers as possible in one day.

A typical day may include the use of braille and voice output technology, real objects and their tactual representations, peer tutoring, art, games, singing and more. Each day features a varying theme, and include such things as a postman delivering letters, pizza-making, the Paralympics and braille music. Students participate in group activities, while 1:1 assistance is provided as required.


Focus Areas

Please contact us if you are interested in your child attending.

Dot Power days and all the materials for them are very carefully prepared for the children that we know are coming. We require RSVPs from families and staff who are intending to come to any of these days.

At Dot Power we sing songs as a focus for learning specific braille contractions or concepts and to introduce and revise the day’s theme.

Below is a link to some of our commonly played songs.

School support staff and teachers are welcome to come along for professional learning opportunities, please contact Marion Blaze to arrange for your attendance.

 Play or download the following songs (.mp3) sung by the Dot Power Choir.

Are you sleeping? – featuring YOU (dots 1,3,4,5,6)

Echolocation – using sound to give information about the environment

Fruit salad song – featuring LITTLE (dots 1,2,3 dots 1,2,3)

How do you do? – featuring DO (dots1,4,5)

I am a music man – featuring CAN (dots 1,4)

Muffin man – featuring THE (dots 2,3,4,6)

Paralympics – hopefully we’ll see our Dot Power students competing at the Paralympics!

Pirate man – featuring WILL (dots 2,4,5,6)

Pizza – featuring LITTLE (dots 1,2,3 dots 1,2,3) & OF (dots 1,2,3,5,6)

Postman – featuring AND (dots 1,2,3,4,6)

Potato soup – from the “Stone Soup” day

Put it – action song from the “Let’s Move” day

What is it? – featuring IT (dots 1,3,4,6)

What would you like to do? – featuring LIKE (dots 1,2,3)

Wheels on the bus – featuring GO (dots 1,2,4,5)

Words with chords for guitar are available for some of the above songs as a pdf.